Dying For Your Enemies – Romans 5:8 Scripture Memory Song

You think you’re a loving person? How much do your enemies feel loved by you?

If you’re new here, each week we all learn about and memorize a Bible verse together. We’ve put the verse(s) into song to help you learn the verse and recall it during your day. If you’d like to see the archives of all the verses we’ve done so far, you can find our posts here and a list of all the YouTube videos here. On to this week’s verse!

but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8 (ESV)


What is true love? Surely love happens between believers, but what about love for unsaved sinners? Do you see sinful people who don’t know Christ and get angry or annoyed? Do you feel like you’re better than them and wonder how they could ever do the terrible things they do? You’re not the only one. But that’s not the attitude we should have.

When God looked down on his rebellious and destructive creation, what did he do? Sure, there were times where he showed his wrath, but that was always done to benefit the “righteous” ones. When he looked at us and our sin, he was grieved. We were pushing him away, and still are much of the time. We tell him we’d rather not have him around, that we can do better on our own or that we enjoy the things of this world more than we do him. And you know what God did?

He sacrificed his own life to draw us back to him.

Despite the way we treated him – as an enemy – he laid down his life so that we could know life everlasting with him rather than eternal punishment in hell. So when you look at that homosexual, or murderer, or candidate for presidency, alcoholic, adulterer, etc. don’t despise them; grieve their sin and, if you can, show them what real love is, the love of Jesus, and bring them to the one who can change their hearts.

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