Jesus Gave Up His Rights to Pursue You

Christ was meek here on this earth, but what does that really mean? Jen Wilken in her study Sermon on the Mount says:

Webster’s dictionary defines meek as “enduring injury with patience and without resentment.” A meek person is someone who is not occupied with self at all, someone who does not insist on a set of rights.

I immediately thought- yes! Christ went to the cross for us because he loves us. But as I thought more about it, it really hit me what Christ did for us.

When Jesus came to earth, he set aside his rights as God – Creator of the universe! He didn’t insist that people follow him, though he certainly had that right. When he was arrested, he didn’t try to defend himself with, “Don’t you KNOW who I am?” He went before his accusers silently.

Our Almighty God, Creator of the heavens and earth, gave up his rights, didn’t insist he have them, though he fully deserved them. He gave himself up for us. He patiently endured rejection, mocking, being spit upon, sinned against, beatings, and crucifixion without resenting those who did this to him, including us! Instead he said, “You do this to me, even so, I love you! I love you so much I’m giving up my rights as your God and creator to instead die in your place. Come to me and I will give you rest.”

How crazy is that? And after seeing what my God did for me, I realize I’m nothing like that. I think about myself and my rights all the time, and many times resent in the moment the one I see who doesn’t do what I believe they should. But if I am to be like Christ, I need to let it go. Instead when my ‘rights’ are stepped on, I need to look at them and say, “I love you so much, I’m willing to give this up for you.” Because that’s what Christ did for me.


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Kaylin Zimmerman

Christian, Wife, Mother, Tea Lover.

I am the proud mother of 4 precious boys, who I am home-schooling (with a little help from some virtual schools). I am also married to the most wonderful man on the planet.

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