Scripture Memory Song: Genesis 1:1

Do you believe God can do anything? You should, he created the entire universe!

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
Genesis 1:1 (ESV)


How much is there to explain here? God created the universe, including time itself because time began at the “beginning” when God created everything. I could get into a whole bunch of creation vs evolution nonsense here, but honestly, I think this is a good time to just think about God’s power. Obviously, as we already stated, he created everything, but read through the rest of the Bible and you’ll find countless amazing miracles:

  • The flood
  • Tower of Babel language confusion
  • The burning bush that didn’t burn up
  • The plagues
  • Parting the Red Sea

And that’s just some of Genesis and Exodus. My point is this: don’t ever doubt God’s power. Have faith that he can do it, and ask him in his name and he’ll do it. Amen!

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