Thank God For You – Colossians 1:3 Scripture Memory Song

Welcome to Jesus’ family.

If you’re new here, each week we all learn about and memorize a Bible verse together. We’ve put the verse(s) into song to help you learn the verse and recall it during your day. If you’d like to see the archives of all the verses we’ve done so far, you can find our posts here and a list of all the YouTube videos here. We’ll also be giving a family update on what has happened in the past week.

Family Update

It’s been a relatively normal week for us. For the third time this winter, the Monday night and Tuesday morning Bible studies we go to were cancelled due to the weather, and we’ve missed even more due to sickness, so we’re starting to feel a bit distant from our church families, but this week looks to be beautiful and there’s no sign of sickness (for once!) so we should be able to connect again!

E, our youngest son, definitely has some new teeth poking through on the top, which is exciting! We also went to see Lego Batman as a family and while I wasn’t personally thrilled with it and E didn’t sit perfectly still, he slept through half of the movie and Joe and the older boys loved the movie. “Pew Pew Pew”.

Scripture Memory Song

We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you,
Colossians 1:3 (ESV)


I see three primary takeaways from this verse:

  1. We should be thankful for the work God does in people’s hearts. “We (Paul and Timothy) always thank God… since we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love that you have for all the saints” (vv. 3-4). God used his Gospel message faithfully shared with them to bring about a change of heart. They have faith in Jesus and that faith is shown in the love they show toward the church family. There is thankfulness that people have come to know God. Sometimes I think we can be like Jonah, and resent God’s grace toward some people because they’ve been so bad or have hurt us so much, but those people’s souls are far more important than the bit of earthly pain we’ve received.
  2. God our Father is Jesus’ Father as well! What a family tree we’ve been adopted into! Out heavenly Father is God of all. Our brother/husband is Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, who died on the cross for our sins and rose again and sit at God’s right hand.
  3. We should be praying for our brothers and sisters in Christ. The verse says “when”, not “if”. God’s been convicting me lately – I haven’t been praying and spending time in his Word as I should be, and life has become a bit overwhelming. “when we pray for you” implies they prayed regularly for their family in Christ. I want that intimacy with God again, and we all should

Thank you God that we’re a family in you! I pray we would pray for and encourage each other regularly, so we know we’re not alone.


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