Stop Praying!

Stop Praying!

Praying is one of the best things we can do as Christians, but it’s far from the only thing.

None Like Him

None Like Him

It’s been on my mind lately, because of various things going on around me, that we can’t truely love and forgive others until we really understand how  much Christ loves and forgives us. Being able to do that for others requires us to meditate on and have an intimate knowledge…

Our Own Way - Isaiah 53:6 Scripture Memory Verse Song
Are We Throwing Temper Tantrums with God?

Are We Throwing Temper Tantrums?

Last night, my little Z was acting stubborn. We asked him to eat one bite of soup for dinner before leaving the table. He didn’t want to take that bite. He didn’t think he’d like it. He was determined to go his own way, and fought that bite with all…

Put on the New Self

Put on the New Self

We went over Colossians 3:1-17 with a friend recently. I noticed that this whole chapter seems to focus on one thing: putting to death our sins and putting on Christ. 

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