Known By Love

Known By Love

Living in a Christian culture, I’ve noticed something about it – We view sin as bad and following God as good, and we treat it as such. Which is good, until we start viewing people as their sin, and treating them as bad until we…

What Are You Saying to those Around You

What Are You Saying to Those Around You?

I haven’t done a Read.Write.Pray. post in a while. To be honest, I haven’t actually been doing any writing for a long time; but I’ve started back up again! I finally finished Hebrews, where I left off, and have written through a small New Testament…

Does Grace Give Us a License to Sin?
God Without Limits

God Without Limits

There is a vast difference between our God and us: “we are measurable and he is not. God is infinite, unbound by limits. He defies measurement of any kind.”

Our Own Way - Isaiah 53:6 Scripture Memory Verse Song
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