His Name Is Jesus – Matthew 1:21 Scripture Memory Song

Jesus means “The Lord is Salvation”.

If you’re new here, each week we all learn about and memorize a Bible verse together. We’ve put the verse(s) into song to help you learn the verse and recall it during your day. If you’d like to see the archives of all the verses we’ve done so far, you can find our posts here and a list of all the YouTube videos here. We’ll also be giving a family update on what has happened in the past week.

Family Update

The weather in Wisconsin has finally decided to feel like Spring, and just in time now that Easter is right around the corner. There were a couple events of note that took place this past week:

  • I (Joe) heard about a guy through some guys at church that didn’t have a car and needed to get to some doctor appointments, and since I don’t have to be at work during the day, I volunteered to drive him. He turned out to be a very nice guy, but he’s very lonely, has lots of health issues, and doesn’t have a job, so he’s in a pretty rough spot. I’m glad I volunteered to do this because I’ve been praying to find a way to serve in my community here and now. I asked him to come to church with us yesterday and he did come. I’m hoping we can create a great friendship with this man. Pray for him.
  • On Saturday night, a local church showed Priceless. It was free to watch but they sold some concessions, books, and shirts to raise money for Damascus Road, which is an organization that is fighting against human trafficking, which is what the movie Priceless is all about.

God has been pointing us toward this issue of Human/Sex trafficking quite a bit lately, and we’re trying to answer the call. We’ll be doing a review of Priceless this week to hopefully bring some more awareness. We’ll also be introducing you to Better Way Imports soon. Better Way is an organization that sells products that provide jobs that allow women to be saved from the sex trade. Every $750 purchased through Better Way provides one year’s wages for one woman who used to need to sell her body. Kaylin and I are working now to sell those products and save those women. Like I said, we’ll talk about that more later this week. Please follow us to find out when that post goes live.

Scripture Memory Song

She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.
Matthew 1:21 (ESV)



This verse with some interesting timing, thanks to Easter coming this weekend. While this verse takes place during the Christmas story, it gives us a glimpse of the end of Jesus’ earthly life, which is what Easter is all about. Even Jesus’ name tells of his future, since his name means “the Lord is Salvation”.

If you really look into it, there’s a lot of amazing prophesy throughout the Old Testament that predicts the events of Jesus’ life. Interestingly enough, though, we tend to skip over this little prophecy. We already know that this is how the story ends, and of course Jesus, the offspring of God is going to save us. With that mindset, we breeze right past this, but I now find it comforting that prophecies are being foretold all the way through Jesus’ birth and even his life, since he foretells his own arrest and death the night it was going to happen. If you ever feel like God isn’t really in control of your life, just come back to the Bible and see all the prophecies.

He’s got your back. He has a plan and a great future for you. Just follow him and you’ll find your way.

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