Who Will Win This Election?

I’m coming in to this topic a bit late. There are only a few days left before voting is closed, but I want to get a word in, hopefully in a way that doesn’t cause divisiveness.

The election is right around the corner, and for once, I’m having a hard time choosing how to vote. I actually lean toward Libertarian, not Republican or Democrat, but I also know that anyone who’s not R or D doesn’t really stand much chance, so I haven’t really worried about voting for a third party. But this year is somewhat different. I’ve never heard so many people say they don’t like either of the top 2 candidates, but sadly that doesn’t necessarily mean that they’ll vote third party. I wonder how many people are like me and are considering voting third party, but not sure if they should because they don’t believe the vote will count for anything, and may actually help their least favorite candidate win.

In the end, though, it doesn’t really matter. God’s is in charge of this universe no matter who is elected president. There is no use worrying or being anxious. Philippians 4:6-7 tells us to bring everything before God in prayer and he’ll give us peace!

In the end, God will win this election. Don't worry, just trust and pray. Philippians 4:6-7 Click To Tweet

I also want to say that no matter who you choose, I would never judge you. It certainly grieves my heart when someone wants to vote for the pro-abortion candidate or for any candidate who explicitly expresses a view contrary to what God wants, but I can’t judge you. I especially can’t judge you this year. From what I’ve heard, both candidates deserve to be in prison, so make your choice however you need to make it and whatever you come up with is likely just as good as the other.

I also extol you to be meek and gentle when discussing your choice with others. Yelling and name-calling never won anyone’s allegiance. It saddens me to see Trump supporters wearing shirts like this. We’ve become a culture of hate, and we need to win people over for God much more than we need to win people over for our presidential candidate. Jesus won disciples with truth and love, not with insults.

Anyway, this post has very little flow. I just needed to get a few thoughts on “paper” and hope that they are read by the ones who need to hear it. God bless.

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