God Does Not Change, But You Should

God Immutable, the God of infinite sameness is chapter 6 in Jen Wilkin’s book, None Like Him.

As I read this chapter, I thought about relationships and how they are constantly changing. I thought about my marriage, and how I love Joe and how we interact as a couple. We’re not perfect, but our relationship is good, we can love and forgive and offer grace to each other. I was even thinking, “This will never change.” But it could! I realized we would have to continue to work to keep our relationship this positive, without negative thoughts and emotions coming in between us. I realized my emotions for him can change so often in a day (so much for unchanging!) and I want to work at keeping them at this end of the emotion spectrum. At the same time, if we do continue on as we are, our relationship will still be changing as we mature and grow in Christ and with each other and our family.

Reading about God being forever the same, having declared his unwavering, unchanging love for us, has been comforting, especially realizing how often our emotions change. Knowing that his love for us never changes, can give us confidence in the unchanging truths of scripture. “What he pronounces as sin will always be sin. What he pronounces as good will always be good.” Our salvation is assured because of the unchanging nature of our God. “Whom God pronounces righteous will always be righteous. Nothing we could do can remove from us the seal of his promised redemption. Nothing can separate us from the unfailing, unchanging love of this great God, the Rock of our salvation upon which the house of our faith is built.”

“Just as my assurance of salvation rests in the fact that God cannot change, my hope of sanctification rests in the fact that I can… When the miracle of grace has been applied to our hearts, change becomes gloriously possible. The Unchanging One dispels forever the myth of human immutability, changing a heart that was once stone to a heart of flesh, changing desires that once sought only to glorify self to those that seek to glorify him.”

Everything around us will change – our nation feels like it’s going crazy with change right now, and sometimes it can be overwhelming. But we can move through it all when we keep “a fixed point in view: The Lord God seated on his throne.” Unchanging. Forever.

(Note: All quotes are from the book: None Like Him by Jen Wilkin)

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